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How to Maintain Your Wellbeing During a Lockdown

How to Maintain Your Wellbeing During a Lockdown

Posted by Pure Cosmetica on 23rd Feb 2021

As a Melbourne-based small business, we’ve endured our fair share of time in lockdown and understand the difficulties that lie within such a drastic change in everyday life and routine.

Remaining motivated in all areas of life – work, exercise, socialising and self-care under these newfound restrictions is no easy task. It’s OK to slow down and take care of your mental wellbeing first and foremost.

These are our favourite practices to bring into everyday lockdown-life to maintain both mental and physical health.

1. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness refers to our innate ability to be focussed and present, in a relaxed and non-judgemental way. We all have this quality naturally in us, and practicing it creates space to breathe, think and opportunity to assess emotional reactions. This practice can be done in small ways throughout the day: turning off all electronics for 30 mins, mindful eating, breath and simply observing nature and what is around you. The experience of this is in noticing your thoughts at this time, the sensory aspects and how you feel. These are good moments to check in with yourself and acknowledge how you’re feeling.

2. Get Moving

Exercise may drop off your priority list, however moving your body each day is ultimately beneficial for both mental and physical health. Exercise comes in so many different forms – as long as you’re on your feet, you’re doing great! Benefits of doing so include better sleep, more energy, the release of serotonin and endorphins (mood boosting chemicals in the brain), improved immune system and reducing stress and anxiety. Some of our favourite ways to get moving in lockdown included: joining fitness apps, walking, yoga practices on YouTube, dancing and Face Timing a friend to do a workout together.

3. Create a Daily Routine

Setting out what needs to be done for the day and writing it down is a great way to visualise your goals and what you wish to accomplish. These tasks can be related to anything including work, checking in with friends/family, exercise, cleaning, and just as impotently - scheduling time for yourself to relax and rejuvenate. In order to stick to your new routine, our best advice is to prepare, structure your day as morning/midday/evening, and make it fun and enjoyable for yourself to be taking on these tasks and accomplishing them.

4. Practice Selfcare

It is important that we engage in practices that enhance our health and wellbeing. This is any activity or routine that allows us time to rest, rejuvenate and reset the body and mind. We are all deserve moments of peace and relaxation for no other reason than we want to. Some of our favourite self-care activities included: practicing gratitude, exercise, face masks, calling a friend, listening to podcasts, cooking a favourite meal and putting fresh flowers in the house.

5. Create a Dedicated Workspace

Creating boundaries when working home is especially important to stay productive and motivated. Whether you have a designated home-office or are working from your dining table, when you sit down there you will feel prepared to get work done as well as others you may live with will know you are on the clock. Creating a schedule, getting dressed as you normally would and adding accessories to your environment to mimic your usual workspace all help keep you focussed on the tasks at hand.

6. Maintain a Sleeping Schedule

Maintaining a regular sleep schedule is especially difficult in lockdown but ultimately so important. Your body has an internal clock that regulates when you get tires, sleep and wake up. This has great effects on your level of concentration and productivity throughout the day. Regular sleep also contributes to an improved immune system and emotional-wellbeing, reduces stress, and increased energy levels.