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Tips to managing sensitive skin

Tips to managing sensitive skin

Posted by Pure Cosmetica on 1st May 2022

Over 60% of Australians have experienced sensitive skin at some stage in their life. This includes skin conditions such as acne and rosacea, as well as undiagnosed reaction to various irritants.

Your skin barrier

It is important to know what your skin is there to protect you from environmental stressors. The reason why your skin is reactive and sensitive is often a result of your skin barrier being compromised – meaning it cannot protect you as effectively from the elements and free-radicals.

The solution:

The good news is there are a number of steps you can take to help rejuvenate your skin and reduce its reactivity to topical products and environmental factors.

Step 1: Reduce stress

Our skin is an outward reflection of what is happening inside of us. Stress and anxiety van often result in breakouts, skin condition flare ups and general skin sensitivity.

Reduce stress by taking time out of your week for a weekly at-home spa session.


Create the perfect relaxing bath time with a Lavender Bath Soak

Step 2: Avoid harsh chemicals

Avoiding chemicals such as PEGs, Parabens, Siloxanes, Phthalates and Tar will help you manage sensitive skin.

Being more mindful of what you are putting on your skin will help give your damaged skin barrier time to repair.


Step 3: Be gentle on your skin

If you experience skin sensitivity, you might want to consider simplifying your skincare routine and taking things back to basics.

More often than not, people overcomplicate their routine. At Pure Body Luxe we keep things easy, effective and natural, making it perfect for those with sensitive skin.


Simplify Your Face Skincare Routine

Step 4: Reach for natural

The use of natural ingredients in our skincare gives you the best chance to protect and rejuvenate the dermal and collagen layers of your skin.

Our entire skincare collection is made using natural high-quality ingredients that are beneficial and safe to the skin.


Step 5: Daily routine

When you have sensitive skin, it is so important to adhere to a daily skincare routine that cleanses, nourishes and protects your skin from damage caused by exposure to the elements.

Caring for your skin daily will ensure your pores are open and able to breathe, which will help to rejuvenate any damaged cells.


6: Hydrate

Your skin requires intense hydration to perform and protect itself from free radicals. It not only requires hydrating skincare, but it also need to be hydrated from within. Keeping your fluids up will ensure you skin will be able to replenish itself.

Complete your skincare ritual:

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The hero in Japanese Tea Ceremony, Matcha Green Tea has found its way into foods, sweets, smoothies – and finally skincare. Who can blame it? Compared to other green teas, Matcha Tea has at least three times the concentration of natural antioxidants!